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How Barter Can Help Your Business Online or Offline

How Barter Can Help Your Business

Barter trade is a powerful instrument that represents a solution for companies with available stock or services. By accepting payment in trade money instead of cash, a business maximizes their efficiency by increasing stock turnover or billable hours. Using the trade currency earned, that company can pay for goods or services they want, without paying cash.

1. Barter Generates New Clientele:

Allowing you to increase your market and preserve your cash paying customers. This is incremental business - clients who bypass rival businesses to do business with you.

2. Barter Moves Surplus Stock:

Retailers must keep their stock moving. Barter will bring you buyers to move surplus stock, eliminating the advertising costs and weighty discounting otherwise needed to achieve this.

3. Barter Conserves Cash and Increases Profits:

Bartering creates new clients because buyers are encouraged to pay with their products or services to save cash. e.g, if you had to buy a photocopier for 1500, what would you rather do? Write a cheque or pay with an equal amount of your product or service at its normal selling price to a new customer? Most businesses prefer to trade and preserve cash.

5. Networking Expands Your Customer Base:

Barter customers will bring you all of the cash referrals that your present clients bring. You will gain new cash paying customers too - as long as you give your barter customers the same great services and pricing as you offer everyone else.

6. Increase Productivity by Filling Downtime and Unused Capacity:

Service Business: Increase billable hours! If you are not at 100% capacity twelve months a year and can handle new customers, you fill your idle time with new business opportunities. Now you will have trade currency to purchase what you need.

I have started a online community forum that is specifically for people want to start Bartering or even for people who Barter already view the site here

The Barter system is a fantastic opportunity for people to gain what they want by offering what is some surplus stock or some time.

Edward Green
Barterwise is bringing people together that have something to offer for products or services. Why not join today.


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